Sunday, September 5, 2010

September Give-aways! Rules of play :) Ottawa maternity, newborn and family photographer

There is a chill in the air. I crave freshly sharpened pencil crayons, chunky knits, new backpacks and all things pumpkin spice! Fall is just around the corner, and along with the change of seasons come some AMAZING give-aways!

How to enter

1. Follow this blog and like us on Facebook (

2. Suggest 1 friend follow this blog and like us on Facebook. ( It's a shame there isn't a "love" button, don't you agree?)

3. Once you see that your  friend likes us on Facebook AND is following here comment under the weekly "give-away" post. Just leave your name. Easy as pie. If I have any questions I'll track you down  :) 

4. You can be entered into each draw more than once. If you send 2 friends our way you will get 2 entries, 3 friends you will get 3 get the "picture".


5. Link to our facebook page and blog on YOUR facebook page or blog. Easy peasy.

6. You can be entered into each draw more than once. If you mention us for 2 days you will get 2 entries, 3 days 3 get the "picture".

You may enter (and win) more than one contest.

Each give-away will begin on Monday morning at 9 am eastern standard time and close the following Sunday at 6 pm eastern standard time.

Good luck and happy September!

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