Monday, September 20, 2010

Tiny Tots Bows - Ottawa photographer

What a busy week it's been! Fall activities are in full swing at my house....busy with Girl Guides, Hockey, Beavers, apple picking and a trip to the pumpkin patch just to mention a few!

This week we are featuring a lovely Etsy shop (and even lovelier seller, Monique) Tiny Tots Bows ! Enter our draw to win a surprise headband!

Monique makes some of the sweetest hair accessories on Etsy! From beanies to petite crochet flowers on alligator clips, it's clear to see that all of her accessories are created with love.  She's currently offering free shipping on all orders over $25 to the US and Canada so it's a great time to stock up!!!

Photos courtesy of Dilkarra Photography

Please visit Tiny Tots Bows on Etsy and like Tiny Tots Bows on Facebook.

To win a surprise headband from Tiny Tots Bows, like us on Facebook {LIZ}Cooke photography , follow our blog and leave your name in the comments section. For additional entries mention us on your facebook, blog or twitter!

Good luck and happy September!


  1. I'm following :) (Kelly St. Pierre). I just ordered some of her bows and hats; they are gorgeous!!!

  2. And the winner is....drumroll please.....Kelly!

    Fournelos Photography, don't forget to follow our blog to be eligable to win :) I've got a little something coming your way as well!

    Email your address' to

    Thanks for playing!

  3. Wow, thanks Liz!! That's awesome! :) Thanks!!
